Weetangera Primary School Newsletter | Week 5, Term 2 2022
From Julie
Dear Families
I am writing this week’s newsletter at a time of significance for our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families and more broadly the communities they represent. As you are aware National Sorry Day is a significant day especially for Stolen Generation Survivors; a day that acknowledges the strength of those survivors of the Stolen Generation. National Sorry Day asks us all to reflect and play a part in the healing process as people and as a nation. National Reconciliation Week 2022 is acknowledged in the week 27 May – 3 June and the theme this year is Be Brave. Make Change.
The fifth annual Reconciliation Day in Canberra will be celebrated on Monday 30 May 2022 at the National Arboretum Canberra, 10am - 3pm. Reconciliation Day is part of National Reconciliation Week and is a time for all Canberrans to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievement, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia. This year’s theme for Reconciliation Day is: Be Brave, Make Change. Attend the National Arboretum for a family friendly event designed to promote conversations and foster a deeper understanding of our national story and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture.
Having recently returned from leave, where I was fortunate to travel to some wonderful parts of outback NSW and the Victorian Mallee, I was reminded of the beauty of our country, the vastness of the skies as we slept under the stars and the fact that taking the time to visit our country is an exhilarating experience. Upon my return it was exciting to hear about the following activities:
- The successful Cross Country Carnival. Great weather. Enthusiastic participants and for the distance runners an opportunity to represent Weetangera at the district cross country carnival.
- Assemblies have resumed! Student sharing their progress, confidently speaking about their learning, leading their peers through the format, and receiving awards has enabled the students to be more connected as a group.
- At each assembly I am responsible for acknowledging those students whose learning has been highlighted by their teacher. I refer to these students as Inspired Learners. I remind students that the skills and attributes that have been mentioned in each of the classes are the skills and attributes that all students should continue to work on. You will see from the listed students those acknowledgements are for a broad variety of achievements.
- Planning Day: Wednesday 25 May. This week saw our staff participate in the first of the two Education Directorate Pupil Free Days. On Wednesday, 62 Weetangera Primary School staff gathered to talk about, work through and action the following items:
- An initial whole-school gathering of staff. This sounds simple but in reality, it is more than 18 months since we have all been able to gather, share, problem-solve, celebrate and connect and work through our strategic priorities. The COVID prohibitions has kept teams separate, but we recognise that together, everyone achieves more!
- Team planning and moderation of learning. We use a rigorous process of moderation that is based on three principles;
- Consistency of judgement: Using student work samples, teachers interpret and apply the Australian Curriculum Achievement Standards when allocating grades. An opportunity to quality assure decisions
- Comparability: Developing a common understanding of performance through a variety of tasks that can reveal equivalent levels of knowledge, skills and understanding; and
- Equity: The opportunity provided to each student to enable them to demonstrate their current capability. Standards can be demonstrated in a variety of ways, and teachers look at whether students have had adequate opportunity to demonstrate what they know and can do.
- A shared lunch 😊 I would love to share the photo and sound of 60 staff members talking, eating and laughing together. You will understand the importance of this opportunity to connect with each other.
- And then some members of our community will have seen a good many of the staff taking a walk in the sunshine at the end of lunch. I truly thank you for your understanding and support for the planning day.
As you can see the work of learning has many prongs. The WPS staff are also working through the completion of reports, finalisation of NAPLAN assessments, cross country preparation and the upcoming ROSTRUM finals. Families are at the point of considering and finalising the enrolment process for children with many significant changes ahead for students entering preschool and those who will be leaving Weetangera Primary School to their onward learning opportunities in Year 7.
With a focus on continuing our success as a place of learning the leadership team will be, over the next period of time, seeking your thoughts on our school.
Each week in our staff updates I share my thought for the week; this is my thought for this week:
Have a great long weekend
Julie Cooper Principal
What's Happening in the LSU
In the LSU this term, we have been working hard on recognising place value, using different comprehension strategies to read and learning about the Zones of regulation.
Our learning intentions about place value have focused on identifying and understanding the value of 2- and 3-digit numbers and how this understanding supports us to read and sort different numbers.
We Are Learning To (WALT) –
- read, recognise and write numbers before and after
- create and order numbers from smallest to largest using my knowledge of place value
- create expand numbers based on PV knowledge.
Every day as a part of our routine we develop our literacy skills, including vocabulary building, understanding and implementing reading strategies and writing. Our learning intentions have included such things as;
We Are Learning To (WALT) –
- identify, say and write the sound /a/ as in ‘apple’
- write a recount using the 3 W’s
- make predictions about a book that I am reading
- communicate using a range of relevant and familiar strategies and words
We are finding that learning about the Zones of Regulation has been invaluable! We are really beginning to use the language of emotions and have become “face detectives” because we now identify which zone each other are in depending on how our face and body looks.
On another note, we extend a very warm “Welcome Back” to the wonderful Nicole Terry who is now working with us as well.
Anastasia O’Donnell
What's Happening in French
Dear parents/carers,
As part of our French program for term 2 in French, we have been exploring ways to interpret visual and nonverbal cues such as different gestures and facial expressions to help us make meaning of the French language. We have been using these identification skills when learning about items of clothing in French. Students have been using situations such as role plays, labelling and using technology based games to practise their knowledge of the items of clothing. We have also been exploring how to build sentences expressing what clothes we are wearing as well as what clothes others are wearing in French.
Here are some examples of ways we have learned this topic in class.
Shamim Sabetraftar
What's happening in Music
Kindergarten: In music this term, The Magic Hats, Possums and Ladybirds are continuing their learning of the fundamental elements of music by exploring different types of sound and how they are made. Using percussion instruments, their bodies and ukuleles, these mini musicians have been making sounds that are high and low, loud and soft, and fast and slow.
Year 1 & 2: This term in music, Year 1 & 2 are exploring different ways to make music using different instruments. They are experimenting by playing the same song on multiple instruments, including their voices, to create a class band! Year 1 & 2 are applying their knowledge of the Kodaly Method (hand signs) to improve their singing skills and are making connections to the notes that they play on the instruments.
Sarah Masling
What's Happening in Visual Art
During this term, the Year 2 and 3 students explored Charles McGee’s sculpture art. They applied their knowledge and understanding of the elements of art (texture, shape, colour, line, form) to create depth in their sculpture.
The students derived their inspiration from McGee’s sculpture titled “United We Stand.” The Year 2 and 3 cohort noticed that the sculpture appeared to illustrate movement and embrace imperfection.
After we looked at different images of McGee’s sculptures, the Year 2 and 3 students created their own version of the sculptures using paper, glue, scissors, and coloured markers. They drew and designed their own lines and patterns. After drawing the lines and patterns, they cut out the strips of paper and arranged the paper to give it form and texture.
Look at their masterpiece!
Edna Lee
What's happening in Health
In Year 4 students have been learning how to recognise and group foods to design a healthy school lunch. Our focus question was:
What foods should be included in a healthy school lunch and why is it important to have a healthy lunch?
Some of the responses included:
Fruit and vegetables because they contain vitamins that keep you healthy, e.g. carrots, cucumber and apple. Proteins help your bones and muscles to repair, an example is a protein bar. Carbohydrates fill you up and give you energy- foods are rice, pasta and muffin. A healthy school lunch will help us last the day!
Amalia 4Y
In a healthy lunch you should have fruit and vegetables, a sandwich and a snack. Some examples are a banana, tomato, cucumber and rice. The sandwich should include carbohydrates and protein. We need a healthy lunch so we have enough energy for the day.
Jackson 4Y
Carbohydrates such as bread, pasta and rice for energy. Fruit and vegetables will give you vitamins and minerals and keep you fit and healthy. Dairy foods help your bones and your growth and proteins are good for recovery and for muscles. Eating a good lunch helps you to stay focussed and gives you energy.
Emily 4RT
If you don’t have a healthy lunch you will start to feel tired and lose your energy. A healthy lunch gives you better attention, maintains your body and boosts your immune system. You should eat your dairy and drink water.
Hudson 4MS
The foods that are in our lunchbox must be complete with all nutrients and balanced so there are close to equal amounts. Having a healthy lunch is important so we can get all nutrients and carry out daily activities.
Maddy 4MS
Below are some of the healthy lunch ideas presented by Year 3 and Year 4:
Erwin McRae
Inspired Learner Awards
This term, we have recommenced assemblies (two senior, one junior so far), where our students are showcasing their learning and once more having the opportunity to practice their public speaking and positive audience behaviours.
We have also started handing out our Inspired Learner Awards. Please see below a list of award recipients for the last 4 weeks.
Kindergarten - Evelyn - Isabel - Owen - Maria - Simon - Melina | Year 1 - Harry - Ashley - Zachary - Samuel - Milan - Olive |
Year 2 - Angus - Julie - Madeleine - Zahara - Ava - Jupiter | Year 3 - Dora - Phoebe - Violetta - Alex - Vedaant - Aarav |
Year 4 - Tully - Liora - Anish - Marley - Joseph - Jacinta | Year 5 - Isaac - Amalie - Evie - Laurence - Aarav |
Year 6 - Fares - Zac - Shazeb |
Belconnen Cross Country
This week, forty-eight students from Years 1-6 participated in the Belconnen Cross Country Carnival at Stromlo Forest Park. We would like to say well done to all students for representing our school with pride and participating with enthusiasm. Thank you to the parents and carers that were able to provide transport and for your enthusiastic support! A write-up with results from the Belconnen Carnival will be in the next newsletter. Students that finished in the first three in their race at the school carnival will be presented with their ribbon next week.
Fete News
School Board News
The Education Act 2004 (the Act) requires that a school board be established for each public school.
The Act describes: the functions of school boards, the composition of school boards, proceedings of board meetings, responsibilities associated with financial and reporting requirements, and the board’s role in principal selection.
The board is responsible for overseeing the school's strategic direction. Some of their functions include:
> Endorse and oversee the school’s strategic direction and priorities
> Approve, monitor and review the school budget, ensuring it is aligned with school priorities
> Develop relationships between the school and community
> Monitor, review and report on:
• school performance, including the school satisfaction survey and compliance checklist
• student performance through school-based and other activities such as NAPLAN
• school’s strategic risk register.
Operational matters are the responsibility of the principal.
School boards must observe Directorate directions and ACT Government priorities and all legislative obligations.
Please see below information about our newly appointed board members.
Community Notices
The ACT Women’s Return to Work Grants Program
The ACT Women’s Return to Work (RTW) Grants Program supports women, who have been out of the workforce for an extended period of time, to find pathways to meaningful employment. Successful applicants can access a $1,000 grant which can be used for a range of activities and resources including:
- education and training fees;
- educational expenses like textbooks computers/software and transport to courses/study; or
- work-related expenses like clothing, uniforms and equipment, and childcare.
CLICK HERE to find out more and apply online!
Free Workshops for Women Exploring Pathways and Relationships to Self-Employment
Have you thought about starting your own business but don’t know where to start?
The Exploring Pathways and Relationships to Self-Employment workshop will cover the knowledge and steps required to register and maintain a small business, as well as develop relationship and networking skills. These workshops will run once a week for three weeks beginning Wednesday June 1st 2022.
To register for the workshop or if you have a question about the Return to Work Program, contact:
Phone: 6205 2885 (Women’s Return to Work Grants Coordinator)
Email: RTW@act.gov.au